Text #1: "Another problem with Capitalism is that while it rewards success, it does not protect against failure. In fact the nature of the game is that for there to be winners, there must be losers"
Response #1: This quote reminds me of many discussions that have happened in class. Though capitalism promotes success and economic growth, it does not protect against failure. Nina once said in class, "people with safety nets are more likely to take risks." Because capitalism does not protect against failure, people without safety nets are less likely to take leaps of faith in the capitalistic market we live in. Unfortunately this leads to the winners, mentioned in the quote above, will continue to win, while the losers continue to lose. This contributes to the ever growing gap between the upper and working classes in the United States. Though other countries face this problem as well.
Text #2: "The advertising industry exists primarily to stimulate these desires and in some cases to invent them whole out of cloth"
Response #2: This quote was very thought provoking for me. I intend to major in marketing and thinking about the corruption within the advertising industry makes me question my path. Although I have thought a lot about the business industry, reading these words in a solemn writing such as this one really brings forth questions for me. People have become very materialistic in today's society, especially in the United States. The people may not be totally to blame, as there perceptions are shaped by the exposure. The advertising industry works endlessly to expose people to things that do not need in attempts at making people desire these goods simply to turn profits.
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