
The Crest- Jewel of Wisdom & Work as a Spiritual Practice Post

Actual Text #1: “Knowledge is gained by discernment, by examining, by instruction, but not by bathing, nor gifts, no a hundred holdings of the breath.”

Response #1: I really liked this quote because it talks about discernment, which is something that is very inherent to a Jesuit education. True reflection comes about when one takes an inward look at oneself. No corporeal things can bring about true knowledge, and it can only come from deep contemplation. I think this applies to our Fair Trade course because it requires us to discern proper and fair treatment in working environments. We must think through the decisions that we make and the moral implications of them, especially when we have the ability to make a difference in our communities or in the larger communities that we are a part of.

Actual Text #2: “The marketplace does not control us, we control the marketplace-at least to the extent that our inner values and character are stronger than the lure of advertisements and possessions. If we truly want our system of commerce and the conditions of our employment to change, then the place to start is with ourselves.”

Response #2: I thought that this was a very thought provoking statement because it is extremely accurate. Our mind controls a lot of the things that we do. If certain expectations were not created by society, we definitely would not feel inclined to do half of the things that we did. This reminded me of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s activism. He wanted change and did something about it. If we want fair wages, proper working conditions, and equality in the marketplace, then we must start incorporating those behaviors into our everyday practices. Supporting Fair Trade companies and working for Fair Trade companies is a great way to begin the change.

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