Actual Text: "40% of the waterways have become undrinkable"
Response: This is so scary to think about. Not only in the sense of lack of drinking water but what does this do to water life? How can we let 40% become undrinkable when every human being is dependent on water. What is going to happen when this percentage increases? How will we get water to drink? There is no substitute so therefore our waterways should be one of the most protected aspects of the planet!
Actual Text:"The food at the top of the food chain with the highest level of many toxic contaminants human breast milk.That means the smallest members are getting the highest lifetime dose of toxic chemicals from their mothers. Breast feeding is still best and mothers should definitely keep breast feeding"
Response: This caught my ear because umm its like an oxymoron! How can this woman go on and on about the contaminants in breast milk but then say its "still the best". I'm sorry I get her point here but this aspect made no sense to me. She just defeated her own argument. Why would a mother knowing this factoid she just shared with us ever think about breast feeding again? That would be like poisoning your baby and knowing about it.
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